
Monday May 29, 2023

Monday May 29, 2023
In Te mi riposo
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
Life Journey, Fabrizio Tiezzi, Fondazione Cantonuovo
Per riposare e rilassarsi con il Salmo 23.
Puoi leggere e meditare il salmo.
Poi metti le cuffie e distenditi... segui la traccia

Sunday May 28, 2023
Tu Sei Santo
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Tu Sei Santo
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Original title: You Are Holy - Author: Reuben Morgan - Editions: Hillsong Pubihing / Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Strings, Hammond, Choirs, mix and mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano and Choirs - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
Aprimi gli occhi del cuore
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Aprimi gli occhi del cuore
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Original title: Open The Eyes Of My Heart. - Author: Paul Baloche. - Editions: Integrity's Hosanna! Music / Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Keyboards, mix and mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano, Vocals and Choirs - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
Voglio stare qui accanto a te
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Voglio stare qui accanto a te
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Original title: I want to be where You are - Author: Don Moen - Editions: Integrity's Hosanna! Music / Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Keyboards, mix and mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Original title: XX - Authors: Shawn Ceaig & Don Koch - Editions: Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali
- Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: - Bass, Hammond, Orchestra Arrangements and Choirs - Lorenzo De Angelis: Electric Guitar - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano and Choirs - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs. - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: ©Fondazione Cantonuovo - www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
Sveglia Israele
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sveglia Israele
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Original title: Awake O Israelaut. - Author: Merla Watson. - Editions: ©1990 Catacombs/Copy careLTD, Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass and Choirs, mix and mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Acoustic Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano, Vocals and Choirs - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo - www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
E Passerò Quel Fiume
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
E Passerò Quel Fiume
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Original title: By Your Side - Author: Marty Sampson - Editions: Marty Sampson / Hillsongs Music Australia / Kingsway's Thankyou Music / Stella del Mattino - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Hammond, mix and mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Electric Guitar - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Rhodes - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo - www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
Gridiam di gioia
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Gridiam di gioia
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Project: “Fiume Di Lode”
Original title: Shout To The Lord - Author: Darlene Zschech – Editions: Darlene Zschech / Hillsongs Music Australia / Kingsway's Thankyou Music / Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Pad and Hammod, Mix&Mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Electric and Acoustic Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Piano - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo - www.cantonuovo.org

Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Angela Tancredi & Fabrizio Tiezzi
Project: “Fiume Di Lode”
Original title: Kadosh - Author: Elisheva Shomron – Editions: Elisheva Shomron / Integrity's Hosanna! Music & Galilee Of The Nations/Stella del Mattino Ed. Musicali - Daniele Natrella: Drums - Davide Costantini: Bass, Keyboards, Choirs, Mix&Mastering - Lorenzo De Angelis: Electric and Acoustic Guitars - Fabrizio Tiezzi: Keyboards and Choirs - Angela Tancredi: Vocals and Choirs - Ideation of the project “Fiume di Lode”: Fabrizio Tiezzi and Angela Tancredi - Produced by: Fondazione Cantonuovo - www.cantonuovo.org